和谐汤圆Harmony Tong Yuen

  • Prep Time
    40 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Type
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Tong Yuen


    Step 1

    把绿豆瓣蒸至软、然后趁热放入电动搅拌器、加糖和食油搅拌成泥,然后倒出待凉。Steam split green beans until soft. While the beans are still hot,place them into a food processor. Add sugar and oil. Process into a fine puree. Remove and leave to cool.

    Step 2

    把绿豆泥分成小份,然后搓成小球状,收入冰箱,稍后当馅料用。Divide the split green bean puree into small equal portions and roll into round balls to be used as filling. Refrigerate to chill first.

    Step 3

    把糯米粉加盐和水,搓成软面团,然后分成2份,分别上色。Combine glutinous rice flour,salt and water in a mixing bowl. Mix and knead into a soft dough. Divide dough into 2 portions. Add different colour to each portion.

    Step 4

    再把上色面团各分成小份,搓成小球状,再压平,包入一份馅料再搓圆即可。Combine glutinous rice flour,salt and water in a mixing bowl. Mix and knead into a soft dough. Divide dough into 2 portions. Add different colour to each portion.

    Step 5

    用滚水煮汤圆至浮起。Drop the balls of tong yuen into boiling hot water. Boil until they float up.

    Step 6

    把汤圆盛出,沾椰丝后马上吃。Remove the tong yuen and coat with desiccated coconut. Serve at once.
