葡萄干藜麦甜面包 Quinoa & Raisin Buns

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    Step 1

    将高筋面粉和熟藜麦倒入面包机桶内,接着将速溶酵母 放在中央,然后将黄糖和盐分别放在面粉的角落。 Put high protein flour and cooked Quinoa in the bowl of stand mixer, place instant yeast in the middle; and then add in brown sugar and salt around the corner.

    Step 2

    将全蛋液和牛奶倒入作法1的桶内(图2),并启动面包机, 按“慢速和面”功能揉面15分钟; Pour in egg solution and milk (pic 2); start mixer and knead in low speed for 15 minutes.

    Step 3

    加入葡萄干和牛油,再次按“自发面团”功能进行发酵1个 小时30分钟 Add in raisin and butter, press auto rising to let the dough rise for 1 ½ hour

    Step 4

    取出发酵完毕的面团(将会有点黏手),桌上洒面粉,将面 团均分为12份,松弛10分钟.塑型滚圆后,置入铺上烘焙纸的12”x12”烤盘内,常温发酵60分钟或至2倍大,涂上蛋液. Shape dough roundly and put on top of12”x12”baking tray with parchment paper; let rise for 60 minutes until double the size; spread egg solution on top.

    Step 5

    烤箱预热180°C,烤15-18分钟至上色,即可取出,待凉后, 享用。 Bake in oven pre-heat at 180° C for 15-18 minutes or until brown; cool down to serve.
