泰式水果辣沙拉 Spicy Thai Fruit Salad

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A: 亚叁膏洗出汁1½ 汤匙、鱼露4汤匙、黄糖4汤匙、酸柑汁3汤匙
B: 蒜头3瓣、盐一小撮、指天椒5条、胡椒粒5粒、






  1. 酱汁做法:把所有酱汁材料混合(除酸柑汁以外),然后煮至糖溶解即可,待凉后才加入酸柑汁。(图1-3)
  2. 用桩臼把所有材料B桩烂后和酱汁混合。(图4-5)


  1. 把红萝卜、芒果、番茄及酸柑以臼稍微捣烂,然后慢慢加入混合沙拉酱汁;接着加入水果,再根据自己口味加入额外的酱汁及鱼露、酸柑汁或糖。其味道以甜中带辣、酸及少许咸即可。(图6-8)
  2. 撒入面料后即可享用。



A: 1½ tbsp dilute tamarind extract, 4 tbsp fish sauce, 4 tbsp palm sugar, 3 tbsp lime juice
B: 3 garlic cloves, pinch of salt, 5 bird’s eye chilies, 5 white peppercorns


1 small carrot(coarsely grated), 1 small raw green mango (coarsely grated), 6 yellow or red cherry tomatoes (halves), ½ key lime (seeded and cut into cubes), 1 green apple (diced and tossed with some lime juice), 2 water guava (diced), 1 cup seedless red grapes (halves)


2 tbsp dried prawns(washed and deep fried till fragrant and crispy), 3-4 tbsp peanuts (lightly toasted and crushed)


  1. To prepare dressing: Combine all dressing ingredients A except lime juice in a small pot. Heat gently till sugar dissolves. Cool and add lime juice. (pic 1-3)
  2. In a mortar, pound all ingredients B and mix with dressing A.(pic 4-5)


  1. In a mixing bowl, gently bruise carrot, mango, tomatoes and lime with pestle, pounding at a slight angle. Add dressing gradually and taste. Add fruits. Adjust taste with more fish sauce, sugar and lime juice if needed. Final taste should be sweet, spicy, sour and slightly salty. (pic 6-8)
  2. Sprinkle with topping ingredients and serve.