焗菠菜奶油蛋 Baked Spinach Creamy Egg

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鸡蛋4粒 、菠菜500克、鲜奶油180克、牛油10克
1. 菠菜只取叶子,洗净后川烫约2分钟,然后浸泡在冷水里,再挤掉水分,切细待用。(图1-2)
2. 在耐热容器里涂抹牛油,然后把菠菜铺入,淋上鲜奶油,但留4 汤匙备用。(图3)
3. 用汤匙背部在菠菜上挤压出凹槽,把蛋打入槽里;同样步骤弄另外三个凹槽,填入鸡蛋。(图4)
4. 在每个鸡蛋上面倒入1汤匙的鲜奶油,然后撒上少许盐和胡椒粉,放入烤炉以180°C烤15分钟即可。(图5)

4 eggs, 500g spinach, 180g fresh cream, 10g butter
Pinch of salt & pepper
1. Use only the spinach leaves and wash thoroughly. Parboil the leaves for about 2 minutes and then soak in cold water to cool down; then squeeze out excess
water and chopped them.(pic 1-2)
2. Grease heat proof container with butter; arrange spinach at the bottom and pour fresh cream over (keep 4 tbsp fresh cream for alter use).(pic 3)
3. Use the back of spoon to press 4 shallow on the spinach, break an egg into each shallow. (pic 4)
4. Pour 1 tbsp of the reserved fresh cream on top of each egg and then sprinkle pinch of salt and pepper over, bake in oven at 180°C for 15 minutes, done.(pic 5)