雪花福果奶露 Milky Snow Fungus with Gingko

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雪耳10 克、芦荟200 克、白果80 克、红枣10 粒、水1500 毫升、冰糖80 克、鲜奶50 毫升、豆桨水300 毫升
1. 雪耳浸发,撕小块洗净,白果不必去心,芦荟去皮切小粒。
2. 清水煮滚,放入材料一起用小火煲煮约40分钟,加入冰糖煮溶,再加入豆浆水、鲜奶煮至滚后即可享用,暖心又暖胃的奶露。(图1-5)

10g white fungus, 200g Aloe Vera, 80g gingko, 10 pcs red dates, 1500ml water, 80g rock sugar, 50ml fresh milk, 300ml soy bean milk
1. Soak white fungus until expanded and then tear into small pieces; peel Aloe Vera and diced.
2. Boil a pot of water, add in all ingredients and simmer in low heat for 40 minutes; add in rock sugar, once melted, pour in soy bean milk and milk; let it boil again, done.
(pic 1-5)