香肠比萨鸡蛋仔威化饼 Pepperoni Pizza Egg Waffle

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A:面粉270克(筛过)、发粉2茶匙、小苏打粉11⁄2 茶匙
C:A蛋4粒、buttermilk2 1⁄4杯、溶解牛油12汤匙
1. 把材料A和材料B混合,然后加入材料C,搅拌成细滑面糊。(图1-3)
2. 热威化炉,涂少许牛油后把面糊倒入鸡蛋仔模中,然后铺上香肠片,加盖,煮2分钟或至威化饼熟透。(图4-6)
3. 取出威化饼,铺上Mozzarella芝士茸,再淋上辣椒酱/烧烤酱或比萨酱的其中一种即可。

【Waffle Ingredients】
A:270 g plain flour(sifted), 2 tsp baking powder, 11⁄2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
B:2 Tbsp grated cheddar cheese, 1⁄2 tsp salt, 2 tsp dried oregano, 2 tsp dried basil, 1 tsp chili flakes
C:4 “Grade A” eggs, 2 1⁄4 cups buttermilk, 12 tbsp. melted butter
Pepperoni slices, 1 cup Mozzarella cheese
Pizza sauce / BBQ sauce/chili sauce
1.Mixes ingredients A and then add in all ingredients B; lastly add in ingredients C and blend into smooth batter. (pic 1-3)
2.Heat the waffle machine, brush with some butter before pouring the batter into the mould, top with the pepperoni slices and cover the lid. Leave it for 2 minutes or until
waffle is cooked.(pic 4-6)
3.Remove and top with mozzarella cheese, drizzle with either chili sauce, BBQ sauce or pizza sauce.