番薯比萨 Sweet Potato Pizza

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1. 把烤炉预热至180℃。
2. 用橄榄油、盐及胡椒粉腌番薯片,然后铺在涂油烤盘上,一片叠着一片;放入烤炉烤20分钟或至熟。(图1-3)
3. 比萨做法:起锅热油,把洋葱爆香,然后加入番茄膏和剩余顶料A,煮约5分钟熄火。(图4-5)
4. 把烤番薯从烤炉取出,撒上半份莫扎里拉芝士茸,然后淋上酱汁材料。(图6-7)
5. 跟着铺上大葱、灯笼椒及剩余芝士。(图8)
6. 放入烤炉烤20-25分钟或至芝士转金黄色。
7. 最后撒上九层塔茸和帕美森芝士茸即可。

【Base Ingredients】
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 3 medium sweet potatoes (about 320g after peeling skin], peeled, and sliced thinly), salt and black pepper
【Topping ingredients】
2 tbsps oil, 2 cloves garlic (chopped), 1 big onion (chopped), 100g tomato puree, 250 ml water, 250g minced meat, 1 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tsp dried oregano, salt and black pepper to taste
B:1¼ cups shredded mozzarella cheese, 1 red onion (thinly sliced), Red & yellow capsicum (thinly sliced)
2 tbsp chopped fresh basil, 1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
10 “ pizza pan (greased)
1. Preheat the oven to 180℃.
2. Toss the sliced sweet potatoes with olive oil, salt & pepper. Lay onto the greased pan, overlapping each piece. Bake sweet potato base for 20 minutes or until
potatoes are cooked. (pic 1-3)
3. To prepare filling : In the meantime, Heat the oil in a wok, sauté onions until fragrant, adding tomato puree and all remaining A topping ingredients, cook for about 5
minutes. Turn off heat. (pic 4-5)
4. Remove the potato pizza base from the oven, sprinkle a layer of mozzarella cheese over then top with the marinara sauce filling. (pic 6-7)
5. Top with the onion, capsicum and remaining cheese.(pic 8)
6. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until the cheese turns golden.
7. Garnish with the basil and Parmesan and serve warm.