三蔬烩马友 Braised Fish with Vegetables

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蒸鱼酱1汤匙、生抽1汤匙、鱼露1茶匙、糖1⁄4 茶匙
1. 鱼洗净,抹干水份,均匀搽少许盐腌10分钟,然后以油煎香至熟备用。(图1)
2. 镬中留少许油,煎香蒜头片呈金黄色,捞出待用。(图3)
3. 放入中国蒜、津白及咸菜炒香。(图4)
4. 加入清水、调味料及辣椒煮滚后,勾芡并淋入麻油即可淋在鱼面上。

1 Ma Yau fish, 2 pips garlic (sliced), 1 stalk Chinese leek (sliced), 50g salted mustard (sliced), 60g Chi-
nese cabbage (juliennes), 1 red chilli (sliced), 1 cup water, some starch for thickening, 1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp fish steaming sauce, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp fish sauce, 1⁄4 tsp sugar
1. Clean and wash fish; pat dry and marinate with dash of salt for 10 minutes; and then sear with oil
until cooked. (pic 1)
2. Keep some oil in wok, sauté garlic until golden brown, dish out.
3. In ths same wok, add in leek, Chinese cabbage and salted mustard, stir-fry until fragrant. (pic 3-4)
4. Add in water, seasoning and chilli and bring to boil; thicken with starch and drizzle in sesame oil; pour
over fish to serve.