九香三杯鸡Twin Basil Wine Chicken

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九层塔 1大束、甜九层塔1小束、姜1段(切片)、大葱 1⁄2粒(切瓣)、青葱1棵(切段)、蒜茸1汤匙、红辣椒 1⁄2条(切片)


1. 把鸡腿斩件,然后以滚水川烫去除血水,洗净沥干水待用。
2. 将九层塔洗净选出叶子;甜九层塔洗净滴干。
3. 起锅热麻油,把姜、大葱及蒜茸爆香。(图1)
4. 加入鸡肉大火爆炒,然后灒入花雕酒,炒香后加入清水及其余的调味料,煮至肉熟透。(图2-4)
5. 放入全部配料炒匀,然后勾薄芡即可。 (图5-6)

2 chicken whole-legs, 20ml sesame oil, 1⁄2 bowl water

1 bunch of basil, 1 stalk of sweet basil, 1 block ginger(sliced), 1⁄2 onion (cut wedges), 1 stalk spring onion (cut sections), 1 tbsp chopped garlic, 1⁄2 chili(slices)

30ml Chinese cooking wine, 30ml soy sauce, 1 tsp thick soy sauce, 1⁄3 tsp sugar

1. Chop chicken whole-leg into chunk pieces, blanch in boiling water until changing color, wash out and drain.
2. Wash basil and use only the leaves; wash sweet basil and drain.
3. Heat sesame oil in wok, saute ginger, onion and garlic until fragrant.
4. Add in chicken meat and stir-fry in high heat briskly; pour in wine and follow with water and remaining seasonings, cook till chicken cooked.(pic 2-4)
5. Toss in all sub-ingredients and stir to mix; and then thicken with thin starch and dish out.(pic 5-6)