回锅酱爆五花肉片 Spicy Pork Belly

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1. 五花肉切薄片备用。(图1)
2. 辣椒干浸热水至软后滤水备用。
3. 将辣椒干、蒜米及葱头仔加入少许食油放入搅拌机搅成茸。(图2)
4. 开热锅下少许油,放入研磨料爆香,加入所有调味料,最后放入五花肉片焖煮熟大约8分钟后

300g pork belly, 100g garlic, 100g shallot, 30g dreid chilli
80g each of sugar, soy bean paste and chilli sauce
1. Thinly slice pork belly.(pic 1)
2. Soak dried chilli in hot water until soften, drain.
3. Put dried chilli, garlic and shallot into blender and blend with some oil until fine.(pic2)
4. Heat some oil in wok, sauté blended ingredients until fragrant; add in seasoning and follow
with pork belly, simmer for about 8 minutes or until well cooked.(pic 3-4)