沙丁泡芙 Sardine Puffs

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桔子汁3-5汤匙、白糖1茶匙、黑胡椒粉 1⁄2茶匙、酱油1茶匙
1. 把沙丁鱼去骨,放入容器里,加入大葱,红辣椒,美奶滋及调味料,混合均匀。(图1)
2. 用圆形切刀把面包切出。(图2)
3. 在每片面包上面铺上沙丁鱼料,然后周围涂抹粘浆(面粉加适量水拌成糊),再盖上另外一片面包,压紧,确保馅料不会漏出。(图3-5)
4. 重复步骤至材料用尽。
5. 把面包沾蛋液,然后沾面包糠,收入冰箱1小时。(图6-7)
6. 以热油把面包炸至熟即可。(图8)

1 canned sardine, 1 big onion(cubed), 1 stalks red chili (cubed), 2 heaped Tbsp mayonnaise
3 -5 kasturi limes (squeezed to taste), 1 tsp sugar , 1⁄2 tsp ground black pepper, 1 tsp light soya sauce
1 large loaf sliced bread, 6cm round biscuit cutter, 2 eggs(beaten lightly + some salt), 2 cups breadcrumbs
1. Remove the bones from each of the sardine and place the deboned sardines in a large bowl. Add onions, red chilies, mayonnaise and seasoning to combine. (pic 1)
2. Using the round cutter, cut small circular shapes from each slice of bread.(pic 2)
3. Top each piece of bread with the sardine filling and spread the flour glue(flour mix with some water)
around the bread slice before topping with another piece to close it. Press tightly to seal it making sure
the filling does not ooze out.(pic 3-5)
4. Continue making the sardine puffs until all filling is used.
5. Dunk the filled sardine puff into the beaten eggs before rolling in the breadcrumbs. Refrigerate before
6. Heat oil and deep fry until golden brown, drain.(pic 8)