泡菜乌达乌达 Kimchi Otak-otak

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包菜80克 (川烫至软身)、自制香蕉叶容器数个
1. 把所有材料放入搅拌器里,研磨至细滑。(图1)
2. 把鱼浆混合料倒出,拌入少许九层塔叶和疯柑叶丝。(图2)
3. 把烫熟包菜分别铺在香蕉叶容器里,然后再放入九层塔叶。(图3-5)
4. 把鱼浆混合料倒在菜叶上面至八分满,然后放入蒸炉大火蒸12分钟。(图6-7)
5. 与此同时,在小锅里把淋酱的椰浆和粘米粉混合,以中小火煮至起泡变稠即可。
6. 把淋酱淋在快熟透的乌达乌达上面,再撒上少许红

200g fish paste, 60g Thai red curry paste 60g, 50g chopped kimchi, 1 egg, 1⁄2 cups coconut milk , 2 tbsp fish sauce , 1 tsp sugar,
dash of salt
【Sub- ingredients】
basil leaves 1⁄4 cup, 6 Kaffir lime leaves (julienned)
80g cabbage (blanch in salted water until soften), some small container made by banana leaf
Coconut milk 1⁄2 cup, rice flour 1 tsp
Some julienned chilies and Kaffir lime leaves
1. Put all ingredients into the mixing bowl of the food processor and blend until smoothly.(pic 1)
2. Pour out fish mousse and add in some basil and Kaffir lime leaves; mix well.(pic 2)
3. Divide blanched cabbage among banana leaves casings and then put some basil on top. (pic 3-5)
4. Fill fish mousse into the containers over the vegetables until 80% full; and then steam over high heat for 12 minutes. (pic 6-7)
5. While you’re waiting for the fish mousse to be cooked, put the coconut milk and rice flour together in a small pot and cook over
medium-low heat until the content bubbles and thicken, then turn off heat.
6. Pour a tablespoon of coconut cream mixture on top of fish mousse. Sprinkle the julienned chilies and Kaffir lime leaves
over the coconut cream, continue steam for another 3 minutes.