海鲜牛角包 Seafood Croissant

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罐头吐拿鱼1小罐、虾肉100克(以1/4茶匙白糖和盐腌过) 、蟹柳4条(切片)


美奶滋3汤匙、番茄酱2汤匙、芥末酱1茶匙、柠檬汁1汤匙(或优葛) 、黑胡椒粉少许、盐1/8茶匙、莳萝1汤匙


  1. 把酱汁材料混合后调味。
  2. 把125毫升的清水煮滚,然后放入虾肉煮1分钟至虾熟即可。滴干。
  3. 把罐头吐拿鱼的油水挤干。
  4. 把三种海鲜料和酱汁混合,不用前可收冰箱(最多收2天) 。


  1. 把牛角包打横剖开(可用剪刀) 。
  2. 把三片黄瓜番茄加一片生菜塞入牛角包中。
  3. 然后填入2-3汤匙的海鲜料,马上享用。

4 pieces store-bought croissant

4 lettuce leaves

12 slices cucumber

12 slices tomato


1 small can tuna

100 g prawn meat, marinated with ? tsp sugar + salt

4 pieces crab stick, sliced


3 heaped Tbsps REAL MAYO by Kraft Foods

2 Tbsps Delmonte tomato ketchup

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp mustard

1 Tbsp lemon juice / yoghurt

dash of black pepper

1/8 tsp salt or to taste

1 Tbsp chopped pickled dill


To prepare seafood filling:

  1. In a bowl, combine sauce ingredients together adjusting seasonings to taste.
  2. In a small saucepan fill with 125 ml water, bring water to a boil, cook marinated prawn meat for 1 minute or less or until prawns are cooked, drain.
  3. Drain off oil or water from tuna pressing off excess liquid leaving only the tuna.
  4. Combine all the 3 seafood with the sauce & set aside. You may refrigerate & use only when needed. Keeps up to 2 days in the refrigerator.

To assemble:

  1. Slit the croissant horizontally with the help of a pair of scissors.
  2. Line the croissant cavity with the vegetables, each croissant with 3 pieces of vegetable & 1 lettuce leaf.
  3. Fill up croissant cavity with 2-3 tablespoons of seafood filling & serve immediately.