番茄苹果鱼Tomato Apple Fish

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马友鱼2尾、胡椒粉1/2茶匙、海盐1/2茶匙、粟米粉1 茶匙、椰油(或其他炸油)适量

椰油1 汤匙、蒜茸1 汤匙、洋葱1 颗(切丁)、蕃茄2 颗(切丁)、苹果1 颗(切丁)、蕃茄酱2 汤匙、黄糖1 茶匙、纯净水2-3 汤匙

1 将鱼洗净、抹干水份,撒上海盐和胡椒粉后,拍上一层薄薄的粟米粉,煎至金黄,备用。 (图1)
2 冷油下锅,爆香蒜茸和洋葱,炒至香及洋葱稍软。 (图2-3)
3 下蕃茄丁,翻炒至软后,下蕃茄酱、黄糖和纯净水,翻炒均匀。 (图4-5)
4 最后加入苹果丁,焖煮1分钟后熄火,取出淋在煎鱼上,即可享用。

2 Fourfinger Threadfin Fish (ma you), 1/2 tsp pepper, 1/2 tsp sea salt, 1 tsp corn flour, oil for deep frying

1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp chopped garlic, 1 onion(dice), 2 tomatoes (dice), 1 apple (dice), 2 tbsp tomatoes sauce, 1 tsp brown sugar, 2-3 tbsp water

1.Wash fish, rub with sea salt and pepper, coat with some flour, deep fry in hot oil till golden brown, set aside. (pic 1)
2.Heat some oil in wok, saute chopped garlic and onion till fragrant and onion softhen. (pic 2-3)
3.Add in tomatoes, stir well till soft, pour in tomatoes sauce, brown sugar and water, stir fry well. (pic 4-5)
4 Add in apple, simmer for 1 minutes, off heat. Pour the sauce over the fish, serve immediately.