盐焗鸡腿 Salted Chicken Whole leg

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沙姜粉1汤匙、当归粉1茶匙、盐1 1⁄2茶匙、鸡精粉1茶匙、麻油1汤匙、绍兴酒1 1⁄2汤匙
1. 将鸡腿洗净,把腌鸡料涂抹均匀置放1小时。(图1-2)
2. 将油纸摊开放入鸡腿,然后包扎好待用。(图3)
3. 取一个旧镬开火翻炒粗盐料至炎热霹啪响,然后将粗盐扒开一洞口,放入纸包鸡腿再铺满粗盐上

3 chicken whole leg, 3 sheets grease paper
1 tbsp SHa Jiang powder, 1 tsp DangGui powder, 1 1⁄2 tsp salt, 1 tsp chicken powder, 1 tbsp sesame
oil, 1 1⁄2 tbsp cooking wine
【Salt Ingredients】
1kg rough salt, 6 pips clove, 5 pcs star anise, 2 blocks cinnamon
1. Wash chicken whole leg and marinate with condiments for 1 hour. (pic 1-2)
2. Wrap chicken whole leg with grease paper. (pic 3)
3. Stir-fry rough salt in a old wok until popping sound are heard, make a well in centre and put
in the wrap chicken whole leg packet, cover with salt with lid on and simmer in low heat for 40-45
minutes, done.(pic 4-6)