福建炸肉丸 Hokkien Style Fried Pork Balls

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1. 混合全部材料,加入调味料拌匀,彻底搅拌均匀成团及有弹性。(图1-4)
2. 将肉团分别搓成肉丸子,边搓边以抛打的方式让肉丸更结实。(图5-6)
3. 锅子烧热足以盖过肉丸的油,投入搓好的肉丸,以中小火炸至金黄色,捞起沥干。(图7-8)
4. 沾辣椒酱配黄瓜享用。

1 kg pork meat (finely chopped), 1 sengkuang (peel and chopped), 3 whole garlic (chopped), 1 cup oat meal
200g or 1 cup tapioca starch, 1 tsp five spice powder, 2 tbsp. sesame oil, 2 tsp salt, a pinch of pepper
1. Combine all Ingredients in a mixing bowl with seasoning, use a spoon to blend the ingredients and thoroughly mix them together until springy. (pic 1-4)
2. Divide the pork mixture into small balls. (pic 5-6)
3. Heat up a wok with 2 bowls of cooking oil (enough to cover meatballs). Add in adequate amount of pork balls. Deep fry over medium low heat until golden brown. Remove and drain. Continue frying the rest. (pic 7-8)
4. Serve with chilli sauce and cucumber.