红白萝卜焖鸡Braised Chicken with Radish

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盐1茶匙、白糖1⁄2 茶匙、鸡粉1⁄4 茶匙、蚝油2汤匙、酱油2汤匙、黑酱油1茶匙、生粉+清水适量
1. 将红、白萝卜切厚块备用。(图1)
2. 用不粘深锅热少许油,把鸡肉煎至微焦后加入姜和蒜头,再煎一会。(图2)
3. 放入其他材料,注入高汤以中火煮约30分钟至白萝卜透明为止。(图4)
4. 把调味料加入,试味后勾芡,再放入青葱即可。(图4)

3 chicken whole legs (cut into pieces), 1 radish, 1 carrot, 50g pickled radish, 1 onion, 1 whole garlic, 1 section of
ginger, 1 liter stock, 1 stalk spring onion (cut into blocks)
1 tsp salt, 1⁄2 tsp sugar, 1⁄4 tsp chicken powder, 2 tbsp oyster sauce, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp dark soy sauce,
some starch
1.Cut radish and carrot into big bite.(pic 1)
2.Heat some oil in a non-stick low stock pot, sear chicken meat until light brown, add in ginger and garlic,
continue to sear for a short while. (pic 2)
3.Add in all other ingredients and chicken stock, simmer in medium heat for about 30 minutes or until radish
become transparent.(pic 3)
4.Toss in seasoning, adjust taste and thicken with starch, sprinkle spring onion on top and serve.(pic 4)