红萝卜杯子蛋糕Carrot Cupcakes

  • Prep Time
    15 Mins
  • Cook Time
    2 Hour
  • Type
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Cake Ingredients





    Step 1

    将烤炉预热至180C°;烤盘用油纸铺好备用。Preheat your oven to 180℃ and line a tray with cupcake cases.

    Step 2

    在搅拌缸内将椰糖及椰油混合拌匀。In a mixing bowl, combine the coconut sugar and coconut oil and ream these together.

    Step 3

    加入糙米糖浆及香草香精,混合均匀。Stir through the brown rice syrup and vanilla until everything is well combined.

    Step 4

    打入鸡蛋,搅拌均匀,加入红萝卜丝。Crack in the eggs and beat these into the mixture. Once these are well mixed in, stir through the grated carrot.

    Step 5

    加入其余的干料(葡萄干除外),混合拌匀成糊料。最后加入葡萄干。Now, add in all of the remaining dry ingredients, saving the raisins, and fold everything together until smooth batte. Now, stir through the raisins so that they’re evenly distributed.

    Step 6

    把蛋糕糊料倒入杯子蛋糕模型内,放入烤炉烤15-20分钟或至熟。Divide this into the cupcake cases and pop these into the oven for around 15-20 minutes until cooked through and golden on top.

    Step 7

    取出杯子蛋糕,待冷。Remove the cakes from the oven and allow to cool on a wire wrack.

    Step 8

    糖霜做法:将糖霜材料放入拌打机内拌打至光滑及发起,收入冰箱。For the frosting: place all of the ingredients into a food processor, blend with high speed until smooth and creamy, keep into fridge.

    Step 9

    蛋糕冷却后,挤上糖霜,装饰后即可享用。When your cupcakes have cooled, spread each of them with a generous helping of the icing and decorate with toppings of choice.
