缤纷肉条 Coca-Cola Chicken Wings

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1. 把青红椒和红萝卜切丝;猪梅肉切细条沾干粟粉备用。(图1)
2. 大火烧热油锅,把猪肉条炸至金黄色备用。(图2)
3. 小火爆香蒜茸,倒入辣椒酱、番茄酱、清水及其余调味料煮沸。
4. 放入青红椒,红萝卜丝小火拌炒至汁稠。(图3)
5. 再把肉条回锅拌炒均匀,即可上桌享用。(图4)

300g pork, 20g red capsicum, 20g green capsicum, 20g
carrot, 1 tsp chopped garlic, 1 cup corn flour, 1⁄2 cup water
1 tbsp totamo sauce, 1⁄2 tbsp chilli sauce, 1 tsp soy sauce,
1⁄2 tsp sugar, 1⁄2 tsp salt
1. Shredded red and green capsicum; trim pork meat into strips and coat with corn flour, set aside.(pic 1)
2. Heat oil in wok, deep fry pork strips until golden brown, dish out and drain.(pic 2)
3. Heat oil in wok, saute garlic till fragrant, add in chilli and tomato sauce, pour in water and remaining seasonings,
bring to boil. (pic 3)
4. Add in carrot and capsicum, fry with medium heat till gravy thicken.
5. Add in fried meat, stir to mix and dish out.(pic 4)