美式蔓越莓松饼 American Cranberry Oat Scones

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  • 把烤炉预热至190°C;烤盘铺油纸。
  • 把材料A混合搅拌至结合一起。
  • 加入材料B,搅拌均匀。
  • 加入材料C,混合后再加入材料D,搓至混合即可,不必太实。
  • 把面团放在撒粉的工作台,杆成直径7寸圆形,厚度1 1/2寸,然后切割成8个三角形。
  • 把面皮放在烤盘上,涂上蛋液(以1粒鸡蛋加1汤匙牛奶混合) 。
  • 烤15-18分钟至微黄即可。可插入竹签测试,不沾物即为熟透。把成品放在架子上冷却。



Ingredients A                                       Dosage

Plain Flour                                             230g

Caster Sugar                                          100g

Salt                                                         ¼ tsp

Baking Soda                                          ½ tsp

Baking Powder                                      1 tsp

Ingredients B

SCS Pure Creamery Butter                   125g

Cold and cut into small pieces

Ingredients C

Rolled Oats                                            60g

Dried Cranberries                                  60g

Ingredients D

UHT Diary Whipping Cream               160g


1.Preheat the oven to 190°C and line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

2.In a large mixing bowl place Ingrdients A and blended until combine.

3.Add Ingredients B into mixing bowl and mixing until it resembles coarseCrumbs.

4.Add Ingredints C mix until combined and stir in Ingredients D mix justuntil the dough comes together.

5.Transfer to a lightly floured surface and roll, the dough into a circle that is

7inches (18cm) round and about 1 1/2 inches(3.75cm) thick. Cut this circle

into 8 triangular sections.

6.Place the scones on the prepared baking sheet.Make an egg wash of one

beaten egg mixed with 1 tablespoon milk and brush the tops of

the scones with this mixture.

7.Bake for about 15-18 minutes or until lightly browned and a toothpick

inserted in the middle comes out clean. Remove from oven and transfer to wire rack to cool.