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材料 水皮



Water dough

Oil dough

Filling ingredients


    Step 1

    将水皮的面粉、糖粉及白油拌匀 Mix plain flour, icing sugar and shortening for water dough

    Step 2

    加入水及盐搓成团,分成6份。 add water and salt to form a dough and apportion into 6 pieces.

    Step 3

    将油皮搅拌成团,分成6份。 Mix the oil dough into a dough and apportion into 6.

    Step 4

    将水皮按扁,包入油皮,搓成圆形, Flatten the water dough, wrap it with oil dough and shape roundly,

    Step 5

    擀成长形,卷起。再反另一面卷起,重复做,用布盖着,休面10分钟。 roll it into long shape and roll it up. Then roll up the other side and repeat, cover with a towel and rest for 10 minutes.

    Step 6

    馅料的豆沙掺入瓜子仁,搓成每粒60克,搓圆待用。 Add GUA CHEE to the bean paste,roll into 60g each.

    Step 7

    将皮(4)搓圆,包入一份豆沙馅。 Roll the dough from method(4) into balls and wrap in a portion of the bean paste.

    Step 8

    用竹签在面上插洞。 Insert hole on the surface of mooncake with a bamboo stick

    Step 9

    将一个印章(福)字,沾上少许红色素,印在苏州月饼上。 Use a chop to mark a red marking on top of mooncake.

    Step 10

    放入预热烤炉,以180℃烘20-25分钟至热,即可。 Place in preheated oven and bake at 180℃ for 20-25 minutes.
