莲花包菜 Lotus Cabbage

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1. 首先将包菜洗净,用菜刀轻轻的将包菜的蒂头挖空。
2. 把包菜放入蒸笼中以大火蒸熟备用。(图1)
3. 锅内煮滚少许油,加入冬菇、杏鲍菇、火腿丝及姜丝快炒后,加入调味料調味,再放入包菜的空心裡,然
4. 酱汁做法:把所有酱汁材料煮滚,加入枸杞煮至滚,勾芡后淋在包菜上即可。 (图5-6)

1 whole cabbage,5 pcs Chinese mushroom (shredded), 5 drumstick mushroom (shredded), 100g mock ham
(shredded), some shredded ginger, 2 tbsp GouQi
1 tsp vegetarian oyster sauce, ½ tsp salt, ½ tsp sesame oil, ½ tsp soy sauce
【Gravy ingredients】
1 bowl vegetarian stock, 1 tsp mushroom stock granules, 1 tsp vegetarian oyster, ½ tsp sugar
1 tsp corn flour, 1 tbsp water
1. Wash the cabbage and scoop out its hard stem with a sharp knife.
2. Steam the cabbage with high heat until cooked.(pic 1)
3. Heat oil in wok, sauté Chinese mushroom, drumstick mushroom, mock ham and ginger briefly,
season to taste; stuff into the cabbage and continue to steam for another 20 minutes. (pic 2-4)
4. For gravy: Bring all ingredients to boil and then add in GouQi, bring to boil again, thicken with starch and
pour over cabbage to serve. (pic 5-6)