金针云耳蒸鸡Steamed Chicken with Tiger Lily and Baby Black Fungus

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鸡肉500克(切小块)、金针5克(浸软打结)、云耳10克 (浸软撕小片)、香菇20克(浸软去蒂切丝)



1. 在蒸盘中先把鸡肉块和调味料拌均,加入其它材料再拌均。
2. 把鸡肉混合料放进蒸笼,以大火蒸 15 分钟。
3. 上桌时撒上装饰材料 即可。

500g chicken meat (cut into pieces), 5g dried tiger lily (soaked and knotted), 10g baby black fungus (soaked and tear into small pieces), 20g Chinese mushroom (soaked and sliced)

½ tbsp oyster sauce, ½ tbsp soy sauce, ½ tsp sugar, ½ tsp tapioca flour, 1 tbsp Hua Diao wine

Some coriander

1. Marinate chicken meat with seasoning and then mixes with other ingredients and place in plate.
2. Steam in high heat for 15 minutes.
3. Sprinkle coriander on top to serve.