鲍鱼香菇海参花肉煲 Braised Pork Belly with Sea Cucumber and Abalone

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五花肉 300克、 发透海参 200克(切大块)、 冬菇 8朵(浸软)、 罐头鲍鱼片 1罐(切片)
老姜5片、 葱头 3粒、 蒜头 2瓣、八角1朵、桂皮10克、上汤 3杯、花雕酒6汤匙
蚝油 1大匙、酱油3大匙、黑酱油2茶匙、少许盐
1. 五花肉切块,放清水里浸泡10分钟,水中倒入小半杯的料酒去腥。(图1)
2. 海参切成小段,放锅里蒸半小时,凉透后使用。(图2)
3. 热锅,放少许油先爆香姜片、蒜头、桂皮、八角,放入五花肉及花菇兜炒片刻,加入调味料一同翻
4. 等到肉炖到五成熟时,加入海参及鲍鱼继续焖半小时。
5. 待要熄火时,才加入6汤匙花雕酒。

300g pork belly, 200g sea presoaked cucumber (cut in big bite), 8 mushroom (soaked), 1 canned
abalone(slice), 5 slices old ginger, 3 shallot, 2 pips garlic, 1 star anise, 10g cinnamon, 3 cups stock, 6
tbsp chinese wine
1 tbsp oyster sauce, 3 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tsp dark soy sauce, dash of salt to taste
1. Wash and slice pork belly thickly, soak in water for 10 minutes by adding 1⁄2bowl of extra cooking wine
to remove the fishy. (pic 1)
2. Cut presoaked sea cucumber into block, steam for half an hour, remove and set aside.(pic 2)
3. Heat oil in wok, sauté ginger, garlic, cinammon, star anise till fragrant, add in pork belly, abalone
and mushroom, stir occasionally to coat the ingredients evenly. Toss in seasoning and mix well. Pour
in stock and bring to boil, turn to low heat, simmer for 1 hour. (pic 3)
4. Add in sea cucumber and abalone when meat tender. continue simmer for another half hour.
5. Dizzling with 6 tbsp Chinese wine before dish out. (pic 8)