肉丸蕃茄羹Meat Ball in Tomato Soup

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1. 萝卜与肉碎搅匀,以酱油、麻油醃半小时。把肉等搓成圆球状放入油炸至金黄色捞起备用。
2. 爆香蒜头及香菇,放入高汤和蕃茄一起烹煮20分钟,加入调味料和炸好的肉丸煮至滚即可。

500g pork tenderloin (minced), 1 Chinese mushroom (halved), 1 carrot (chopped), 1 pip garlic (chopped), 100g tomato (diced), 2 cups stock

2 tbsp oyster sauce, 2 tbsp soy sauce, some sesame oil to taste

1.Mix carrot with minced meat, marinate with some soy sauce and sesame oil for 30 minutes; shape into small balls and deep fry until golden brown.
2.Sauté garlic and chinese mushroom until fragrant, pour in stock and tomato, boil for 20 minutes, add in season and fried meat balls, bring to final boil, done.