意大利蘑菇馄饨Mushroom Tortellini

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1.用糖、盐及小茴香粉腌番茄 。

2.加入面粉和烹调奶油,再加入调味料炒匀,盛出待凉 。( 图 1 )

3.每块面皮放入适量馅料,对折然后收边,做成馄饨。(图 3 – 6)

【Pasta Dough】4 pax
300g bread flour, 3no whole egg, 2 tbsp corn oil

3 clove garlic(chopped), 100g shitake mushroom (chopped), 100g button mushrooms(chopped), 50g oyster mushroom (stemmed), 60g butter, 30g All-purpose flour, 100ml culinary cream, salt and pepper to taste

【Homemade oven-dried tomato】
12nos cherry tomato(halved), 6g sugar, 1g salt, 2 pinch cumin powder, 3 bottles Essence of chicken, warm

Shimeji mushroom, choi sam(sawi)

【To prepare sundried tomato】
1.Season cherry tomato with sugar, salt and cumin powder.
2.Arrange on a tray with parchment paper. Roast in oven at 120℃ for 60-90mins or till dried. Remove from oven, allow cooling.

【To prepare filling】
1.Sauté all the chopped mushroom and garlic with butter till aromatic.
2.Stir in flour and cream, adjust seasoning. Transfer to a tray, allow cooling.(pic 1)

【To prepare tortellini】
1.In a bowl, combine flour, egg and corn oil. Knead to form smooth dough. Allow dough to rest.
2.Roll out dough into pasta sheets by using machine until number 1. Cut into round shape. (pic 2)
3.Place filling on each round pasta sheet, seal the edge and fold into tortellini shape.(pic 3-6)
4.Blanch in salted water until al-dente. Serve hot with chicken essence and oven dried cherry tomato, garnish with shimeji mushroom and choi sam.(pic 7-8)