珠江香醋排骨 Sweet Sour Pork Ribs

珠江桥牌高级酱青2汤匙、糖1汤匙、胡椒粉少许、盐1⁄2 茶匙、粟粉4汤匙
牌高级酱青2汤匙、蚝油1⁄2 汤匙、辣椒酱2汤匙
1. 将排骨洗净抹干,加入腌料捞匀,腌置1小时。(图1)
2. 烧热炸油放入肉骨炸至金黄香脆,取出沥干油。(图2)
3. 把油盛起倒入香醋汁煮滚至稍浓,倒入已炸香的肉骨兜匀沾上香醋汁便可上碟。(图3-5)

1kg pork ribs(cut in pieces)
【Marinate ingredients】
2 tbsp Pearl River bridge High grade light soy sauce,1 tbsp sugar,
some pepper to taste, 1⁄2 tsp salt, 4 tbsp corn flour
【Sweet Vinegar Sauce】
6 tbsp Pearl River bridge sweet vinegar, 2 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp Pearl
River bridge High grade light soy auce, 1⁄2 tbsp oyster sauce, 2 tbsp chilli sauce
1. Wash the ribs, marinate with the marinate ingredients for at least one hour.(pic 1)
2. Deep fry the pork ribs in hot oil till golden brown, drain and set aside. (pic 2)
3. Remove the oil from wok, pour in sauce ingredients and cook till the
gravy is thickend. Pour in the ribs and mix well, done.(pic 3-5)

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