腊肠蒸鱼 Steamed Fish with Chinese Sausages

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1. 将香菇泡软后挤干水,然后加入少许麻油生抽、糖腌20分钟。(图 1)
2. 腊肠、腊肉连同香菇一起放入蒸锅蒸10分钟取出后,全部切片备用。(图2-3)
3. 鱼洗净,从鱼身上斜纹切割数刀,然后搽上少许盐及胡椒粉腌10分钟。
4. 把腊肠、腊肉及香菇合拼排在鱼身上,剩余的腊肠及香菇塞入鱼肉内,然后淋入调味料。(图4)
5. 待蒸锅水滚后移入以大火蒸8分钟或至熟。(图5)
6. 取出铺入姜丝、辣椒、芫茜、葱便可。

1 Ikan Kurau, 1 Chinese sausage, 60g waxed meat, 2 pcs Chinese mushroom, some juliennes ginger, red chili and
spring onion, some coriander
1 tbsp premium soy sauce, 2 tsp fish sauce, 3 tbsp water, 2 tbsp garlic oil, 1 tsp sesame oil
1. Soak Chinese mushroom, squeeze out water, remove stems and marinate with some sesame oil, soy sauce
and sugar for 20 minutes. (pic 1)
2. Steam Chinese sausage, waxed meat and mushroom for 10 minutes, cut all into slices. (pic 2-3)
3. Clean and wash fish, cut a few slits on top and marinate with dash of salt and pepper for 10 minutes.
4. Sandwich all the steam ingredients alternative into the fish, left over may stuff into the fish abdomen; and then
pour the mixture of seasoning over the fish. (pic 4)
5. Steam in high heat for 8 minutes or until cooked. (pic 5)
6. Arrange all the juliennes ingredients on top of fish and serve.