龙王太子齐贺岁New Year Wishes from Prince of Neptune

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6.放入其余配料A 及B,煮滚后加入调味料。

3 cups Fragrant Rice, 3⁄4 cups water, 4-5 slices gin-ger, 2 cups chicken broth cut surface), 80g cooked crab meat, 50g processed shark’s fin

【Sub Ingredients】
A:6 pcs grass prawns (trimmed), 90g fresh scallops, 100g fresh squid (cross cut surface), 80g cooked crab meat, 50g processed shark’s fin
Blanching ingredients: half wok water, 1 stalk spring onion, 4 slices ginger, 1 tbsp rice wine
B:50g Enokitake mushroom, 30g carrot slices, 30g sweet peas, 200g Xiao Bai Cai
C:3 eggs (beaten), starch for thickening

11⁄2 tsp chicken powder, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp Hua Diao wine, dash of pepper

1.Wash and cook rice with water in rice cooker, set aside.
2.Bring half wok of water to boil, add in 1 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp oil, and 1 tsp salt, blanch all sub-ingredients B and drain.
3.Bring shark fin blanching ingredients to boil, add in shark’s fin and blanch for 2-3 minutes, drain.
4.Marinate fresh scallop and squid with 2 tsp of corn flour and 1 tsp sugar.
5.Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok, saute ginger slices until fragrant, discard ginger slices, pour in chicken broth, once boiled, add in prawns and scud until cooked, dish out and arrange on top of cooked rice together with Xiao Bai Chai.
6.Add in remaining blanched sub-ingredients A & B, once boiled; add in seasoning.
7.Thicken with starch, then off the heat, toss in beaten egg and pour the dish over rice to serve.