金玉满堂富贵年 (公公炒猪肉) Grandfather’s Fried Pork Belly

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盐1⁄2茶匙、生抽2茶匙、 黑酱油1茶匙
1. 在锅中煮沸2公升的清水,放入猪肉煮滚后,调小火煮20分钟,捞起待凉备用。(图1)
2. 把南瓜除蒂部;再把瓜囊挖空洗净,蒸10分钟或至松软。(图2-3)
3. 把放凉后的猪肉切大小一致的厚片, 再把猪肉片用玫瑰露酒和盐腌制两小时。(图4-5)
4. 起热锅,以小火爆香蒜和姜后把猪肉片加入;调大火快速翻炒。(图6)
5. 当猪肉片炒至稍为焦黄色时倒入调味料兜匀,即可熄火捞起。(图7-8)
6. 将炒香了的猪肉片排入南瓜盅里即可上桌享用。(图8)

300g pork belly, 1 small cup rose wine, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp chopped ginger, 1 tsp chopped garlic, 1 whole
pumpkin melon
1⁄2 tsp salt, 2 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp dark soy sauce
1. Boil 2 litre of water in a stock pot, add in pork belly, bring to quick boil and then simmer in low heat for
20 minutes, drain to cool.(pic 1)
2. Remove stem of pumpkin, discard the seeds and fibrous core; steam for 10 minutes or until soften.
(pic 2-3)
3. Cut cool down pork belly into same thickness slices; and then marinate with rose wine and salt for
2 hours.(pic 4-5)
4. Heat oil in wok, sauté garlic and ginger until fragrant, toss in pork belly, stir-fry in high heat briskly.
(pic 6)
5. When meat turns to light brown, pour in seasoning ,stir well. (pic 7-8)
6. Pour stir-fried meat into pumpkin and serve.(pic 8)