鲍鱼瑶柱鸡汤Abalone & Scallop Soup

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1. 甘榜鸡洗净、焯水后,再用清水洗一遍,备用。
2. 瑶柱用清水浸泡10分钟备用;淮山和蜜枣洗净,备用。
3. 打开罐头清汤鲍鱼,倒掉汤汁,用清水将鲍鱼冲洗一遍,备用。
4. 将所有的材料放入锅内,大火煮滚后转小火慢煲1个小时。
5. 下适量海盐调味料,趁热享用。

1 canned Abalone in Brine, 1 whole free range chicken, 4 dried scallops, 6 slices Huai Shan, 2 honey dates, 1 litre water

Dash of sea salt

1. Clean chicken and blanch in boiling water, wash and set aside.
2. Soak dried scallops in water for 10 minutes; wash Huai Shan and honey dates.
3. Remove abalone form can, discard its solution and wash.
4. Place all ingredients in pot and bring to quick boil, then simmer in low heat for 1 hour.
5. Season with salt and serve hot.