荷叶素糯米饭 Lotus Leaf Glutinous Rice

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胡椒粉少许、五香粉 少许、糖少许、素蚝油 少许、生抽和 老抽少许、盐少许
1. 香菇用沸水浸软后挤干水份切碎;荷叶用沸水浸软后备用。
2. 素鸡腿和素香肠解冻后洗净切粒备用。
3. 烧热油锅,爆香姜茸,把所有切碎材料下锅,加调味料炒香后盛出,然后跟糯米饭拌匀。(图1-3)
4. 把荷叶铺在碗里,擦干表面的水分。铺上糯米混合料,将荷叶包扎好。(图4-6)
5. 把荷叶饭放入蒸笼蒸20分钟即可取出食用。(图7-8)

1 mock chicken drum stick, 1 mock sausage, 2 bowl cooked glutinous rice, 2 dried mushroom, 2
sheet lotus leaves, 1 slice ginger (chopped)
Dash of pepper, 5 spiced powder, sugar, vegetarian oyster sauce, soy sauce, dark soy sauce and salt
1. Soak dried mushroom in hot water and then squeeze out water and chop finely; soak lotus
leaves with boiling water until soften.
2. Defrost and dice mock drum stick and sausage.
3. Heat oil in wok, sauté ginger until fragrant, toss in all chopped ingredients and seasoning, stir
well and dish out.(pic 1-3)
4. Place lotus leaf in a bowl, pat dry the surface, fill with glutinous rice and tighten up into a parcel.(pic 4-6)
5. Steam glutinour rice parcel in steamer for 20 minutes and ready to serve.(pic 7-8)