黑木耳蒸排骨 Steam Pork ribs with black fungus

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材料 :
做法 :
1 将排骨洗干净;黑木耳提前泡发切小段备用。
2 将葱,姜,蒜头和所有的调味料倒入和排骨一起搅拌均匀,腌制30分钟。(图1-4)
3 腌制30分钟后加入黑木耳搅拌均匀。(图5)
4 煮一锅沸水将腌制好的排骨放入蒸大约35分钟即可。(图6)

Ingredients :
500g pork ribs, 100g black fungus, 50g garlic (chopped), 20g
ginger(chopped),1 chilli(chopped)
Seasoning :
3tbsp spicy bean paste,, 1 tbsp Chinese wine, 1 tbsp oyster sauce,
1 tsp sugar, dash of pepper, dash of corn flour
Method :
1 Wash pork ribs; soak black fungus and juliennes.
2 Mix pork ribs with chopped onion, ginger and garlic, marinate for
30 minutes. (pic 1-4)
3 After 30 minutes, add in black fungus, mix well. (pic 5)
4 Arrange the pork ribs in a wok, steam with high heat for 35
minutes, done. (pic 6)