香肠番茄迷迭香意面Pasta with sausage, tomatoes, and rosemary

  • Prep Time
    15 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    将香肠切成2厘米厚的片状。蒜和洋葱削皮,然后蒜剁碎,洋葱切成楔形。将灯笼椒切成小块,大略剁碎迷迭香和欧芹。将橄榄油倒入煎锅中加热,翻炒香肠、蒜和灯笼椒2-3分钟,然后放入洋葱和鹰嘴豆,再炒2-3分钟。Slice sausage into 2 cm/0.75 in. pieces. Peel garlic and onion. Finely chop garlic and cut onion into wedges. Chop bell pepper into small pieces and roughly chop rosemary and parsley. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry sausage, garlic, and bell pepper for approx. 2 – 3 min., then add onion and chickpeas and fry for approx. 2 – 3 min. more.

    Step 2

    加入番茄,撒盐与胡椒调味。文火煮10-15分钟,不加盖。与此同时,在一个大平底锅中煮沸水,加盐,根据包装提示煮通心粉,直至煮出弹牙嚼劲。Add tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. Let simmer for approx. 10 – 15 min., uncovered. In the meantime, bring water to a boil in a large saucepan, add salt, and cook penne according to package instructions, until al dente.

    Step 3

    滤干通心粉,倒入酱汁中。撒上迷迭香和欧芹,翻炒均匀。撒盐与胡椒调味。佐以帕马森干酪享用!Drain penne and add to sauce. Mix in rosemary and parsley and toss to coat the pasta. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve with Parmesan cheese. Enjoy!
