干锅马铃薯片 Potato Chips Hot Pot

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    Step 1

    烧热适量油,把每片马铃薯下锅煎至两面微焦变黄, 取出备用。 Heat up some oil to fry each slice of potato until both sides are slightly burnt and turn yellow, then take it out for later use.

    Step 2

    .把五花肉放入锅中,煸至出油,加入蒜片、葱头丝、 辣椒干炒香。 Put the pork belly in the pot, stir until the oil comes out, add garlic slices, shredded onion, dried chili and fry until fragrant。

    Step 3

    加入辣豆瓣酱炒香,再放入其余调味料拌均匀。 Add the Chilli bean Sauce stir fry until fragrant, follow add the seasonings and mix well.

    Step 4

    加入马铃薯片拌炒均匀,最后放入青葱段拌炒即可 盛碟。 Add potato chips and green onion stir-fry evenly, enjoy.
