人参糯米鸡 Ginseng chicken with Glutinous Rice

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1. 把鸡清理洗净。
2. 糯米洗净后蒸45分钟;薏米则煮45分钟。
3. 把熟糯米和薏米塞入鸡腹中,用竹签固定。(图1-3)
4. 用半锅水煲人参须30分钟,然后把鸡放入,小火焖煮35分钟,熄火再燜10分钟,便可上桌。(图4)

1 whole chicken, 300g glutinous rice, 100g barley, 30g ginseng root, salt and pepper powder to taste
1. Clean and wash the chicken.
2. Steam glutinous rice for 45 minutes; boil the barley for 45 minutes.
3. Stuffed the chicken with glutinous rice and barley. Secure with bamboo stick. (pic 1-3)
4. Boil ½ pot of water with ginseng root for 30 minutes. Put in the chicken and boil for 35 minutes in low heat. Simmer
without heat for another 10 minutes, done.(pic 4)