宫保炒辣肠 Gong Bao Chinese Sausages

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1. 蒸熟腊肠,待凉后切厚片;灯笼椒切角。(图1-3)
2. 花生用温油炸香备用(图4)
3. 热镬下油2汤匙爆香蒜片及洋葱。(图5)
4. 下辣椒干、花椒粒和调味料,中小火炒香。(图6)
5. 加入腊肠煸炒至香味溢出。(图7)

6. 最后加入灯笼椒及青葱段炒匀,盛碟后面上撒入炸香花生,便可。(图8)

1 pair Chinese liver sausages, 1 pair Chinese sausages, 2 pips garlic (sliced), 30g each of tri-color capsicum, 1 stalk spring onion (cut sections), 30g toasted peanut, 1 onion (cut wedges), 10g dried chili (cut sections), 1 tsp Chinese peppercorn
2 tsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine, 1 tsp L&P sauce, 1 tsp H&P sauce
1. Steamed Chinese sausages for 10 minutes, and then cut into thick slices; cut capsicum into wedges. (pic 1-3)
2. Fry peanut with warm oil, dish out and set aisde. (pic 4)
3. Heat 2 tbsp oil in wok, sauté garlic and onion until fragrant.(pic 5)
4. Toss in dried chilies, Chinese peppercorn and seasoning, stir-fry with medium heat. (pic 6)
5. Add in sausages and stir-fry until aromatic.(pic 7)
6. Add in capsicums and spring onion, stir fry well. Sprinkle peanut on top and serve. (pic 8)