意大利核桃酱三角饺Pansotti with Walnut Sauce

  • Prep Time
    1 Hour
  • Cook Time
    50 mins
  • Type
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你知道吗?「大肚饺」的外形为三角形,名称来自其圆滚而鼓凸的外形,pansotti就是大肚腩的意思。不过虽然它那么「胖」,却竟然又被称为「瘦方饺」(ravioli di magro),而且还多为素饺。



Basic Pasta Dough ingredients




Walnut Sauce ingredients


    Step 1

    意大利面团做法:把盐加入粉料中,然后加入蛋黄和橄榄油,以搅拌器或手搓成粗面团。Method for pasta dough: Add the flours and a pinch of salt into a mixing bowl, add eggs and olive oil and stir to combine.

    Step 2

    在工作台上撒少许面粉,再次用手把面团搓5-6分钟至光滑,然后以保鲜膜包裹,收入冰箱醒1小时。Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth(5-6 minutes). Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate to rest (1 hour).

    Step 3

    核桃酱做法:先把核桃浸泡在温水中30分钟,然后滴干,以刀尖刮掉外衣,然后和蒜头及马郁兰一起研磨至细滑,再加入 橄榄油和干酪混合均匀。To make walnut sauce: soak walnuts in warm water for 30 minutes, drain and remove any excess skin with the tip of a sharp knife. Process walnuts in a food processor with marjoram and garlic until finely puréed (1-2 minutes). Add oil and parmigiano cheese, process to combine and set aside.

    Step 4

    馅料做法:用加盐滚水川烫银甜菜叶2-3分钟,然后放入冰水浸泡,滴干后挤掉多余的水分。Method for filling:Blanch silver beet until just tender (2-3 minutes), soak in ice water, then drain, refresh and squeeze out excess water.

    Step 5

    把银甜菜叶切段,然后和所有芝士,鸡蛋,香草和豆蔻粉一起放入研磨器研磨至细滑,以盐和胡椒粉调味。(图3-4)Chop coarsely and then process in a food processor with all cheeses, eggs, herbs and nutmeg to a smooth paste, season to taste, set aside.

    Step 6

    把一份基本意大利面团杆成3毫米厚,然后切成8公分方形,中间放入1汤匙馅料,面皮旁边涂刷蛋液,再对折成三角形,边角掐紧成只剩一层面皮的厚度。(图5-6)Roll pasta dough to 3mm thick sheets. Cut into 8cm squares, then place a tablespoon of filling in the centre. Brush edges lightly with water, fold in half to form a triangle, press edges to seal and set aside in a single layer on a lightly floured tray.

    Step 7

    煮大锅加盐滚水,把三角饺烫煮1-2分钟至带弹性的熟度即可,然后盛出分到小碗里。(图7)Cook pansotti in a large saucepan of boiling salted water until just al dente (1-2 minutes), remove with a slotted spoon and divide among warm bowls.

    Step 8

    拿约半碗的煮饺水加入核桃酱里,把酱料稀释后淋在三角饺上,再撒入额外芝士和香草即可。Add 80-100ml pasta water to walnut sauce to thin to drizzling consistency, process until smooth, season to taste and drizzle over pasta. Scatter with extra cheese, marjoram and parsley leaf, serve hot.
