清东炎汤Seafood Tomyam Clear Soup

  • Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    20 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    东炎汤做法:将4杯清水放入锅中,加入香茅、南姜、蒜、疯柑叶及指天椒,煮3分钟至滚。To prepare soup: In a wok, bring 4 cups of water to boil. Add in lemon grass,galangal, garllic, kafir leaves and chilli padi, and let it simmer for 3 minutes.

    Step 2

    加入盐、鱼露拌匀,再加入花椰菜、红萝卜、大葱和小玉米,煮至滚。Add in salt, fish sauce, follow by cauliflower, carrot, big onion and baby corn, then bring to a boil.

    Step 3

    加入鲍鱼菇及番茄,再挤入酸柑汁,糖和泰式辣椒酱,搅拌拌匀。Add in abalone mushrooms and tomatoes, squeeze in lime juice, sugar and Thai chilli paste (nam prik pao) and mix well.

    Step 4

    盖上焖煮8分钟至熟。Cover the lid and simmer for 8 minutes until cooked.

    Step 5

    最后加入虾和苏东,煮至虾变色即可。Lastly, toss in prawns and squids, cook until prawns turn to orange in colour.

    Step 6

    米粉做法:煮一锅热水,投入Cap Kapal ABC米粉,煮约3分钟至米粉软,沥干备用。To prepare Beehoon: Bring a pot of water to boil, add in Cap Kapal ABC beehoon and cook for 3 minutes until soft. Drain the water from the pot.

    Step 7

    吃法:将米粉放入碗内,倒入东炎汤,再铺上材料,挤上酸柑汁,即可享用。To serve:Dish out the beehoon, vegetable and tom yam soup in a bowl. Squeeze in lime juice and then serve.
