烟熏肉骨茶Smoked Bak Kut Teh

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老抽2茶匙、盐 2茶匙【烟熏料】白糖1汤匙、白米1汤匙

1. 清水放入药材(A)和药材(B),煮至滚。
2. 加入洗净的排骨,煮至滚后,下冰糖和调味料,慢火煮40分钟。(图1)
3. 捞起肉骨茶汤内的药材,放在锡纸上,加入白糖和白米,放上网架,排上排骨。(图2)
4. 将整个锡纸网架放入干锅内,盖上盖子,大火烧至锅内冒白烟约时30分钟。(图3)
5. 排骨被熏至出油,有烟熏味,即可熄火,上桌享用。
6. 煮好的汤汁即是肉骨茶汤,加些冬菇、金针菇等蔬菜,即可作成桌上补汤。

1 kg pork ribs, 2.5 liter water, 1 tsp rock sugar

【Herbal ingredients】
A:2 sticks cinnamon, 2 star anise, 6 pips clove, 1⁄2 tbsp each of fenugreek & pepper (grounded and store in tea bag)
B:19g DangShen, some ginseng roots, 3 slices GanChao, 19g YuZhu

2 tsp dark soy sauce, 2 tsp salt

【Smoke ingredients】
1 tbsp each of sugar and white rice grain

1. Boil both herbal ingredients with water.
2. Wash and blanch the ribs, add into herbal soup with rock sugar and seasoning, simmer for 40 minutes. (pic 1)
3. Remove herbal ingredients from pot, arrange on aluminium foil, mixes with sugar and white rice grain, top with rack and place ribs on top of rack. (pic 2)
4. Shift the whole thing into a dry wok, cover with lid and then heat in high flame for 30 minutes until white smoke emerged. (pic 3)
5. When the smell of smoke had infused in ribs, dish out to serve.
6. Add some Chinese mushroom, Enokitake mushroom and other vegetable in to the Bak Kut Teh soup to serve by side.