碗仔翅Imitated Sharks Fin Soup

  • Prep Time
    20 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Type
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Ingredients (A)




Sauce mix



    Step 1

    鸡胸肉洗净后用滚水汆烫后捞起,沥干水份,备用。Wash the chicken breast and blanch into boiling water, drain and set aside.

    Step 2

    取一锅,加入800毫升水,下鸡胸肉和姜片,中火煮至滚后,关上盖子小火焖30分钟。In a pot with 800ml water, add in chicken breasts and ginger slices, bring to boil, close the lid and simmer for 30 minutes.

    Step 3

    取出熟鸡胸肉和姜片,鸡肉剥成鸡丝,鸡汤备用;用纯净水将已解冻的素翅冲洗,沥干,备用。Take out the cooked chicken breast meat and ginger slices, shredd the chicken meat and keep the chicken broth for later use. Rinse the vegetarian shark fin with pure water, drain and set aside.

    Step 4

    镬内热油, 爆香香菇丝、木耳丝和胡萝卜丝,盛碟,备用。Heat oil in wok, saute the shredded mushrooms, black fungus and carrots till fragrant and set aside.

    Step 5

    取1汤锅,下鸡汤、鸡丝、素翅,蔬菜丝和下调味料,大火煮至滚后转小火煮15分钟。Take a pot, add in chicken broth, shredded chicken, vegetarian shark fin, all shredded vegetable and seasonings, bring to boil with high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

    Step 6

    勾芡,滚透后熄火,以顺时钟加速方式加入蛋液,享用前随喜加入芫荽和黑醋即可。Thicken the soup with corn starch, turn off the heat, add in egg sauce in a clockwise manner, add coriander and black vinegar as you like before enjoying.
