红白萝卜海带汤 Carrot & Radish Seaweed Soup

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1. 将红、白萝卜刮皮切滚刀块,海带浸软洗净去盐份;金针菇切除根部,洗净。
2. 在锅内注入高汤,加入红、白萝卜、海带及瘦肉一起煮约20分钟。(图1-3)
3. 加入金针菇,再煮5分钟,调入味料及芹菜便可。(图4)

1 each of carrot and radish, 10g seaweed, 300g minced meat, 5 cups stock, 100g Enoki mushroom, 1
stalk Chinese celery
1 tsp chicken powder, 1⁄2 tsp salt
1. Cut carrot and radish into wedges, soak seaweed and wash; remove stems of Enoki mushroom, wash
and drain.
2. Boil carrot, radish, seaweed and meat with stock for 20 minutes.(pic 1-3)
3. Add in Enoki mushroom, boil for another 5 minutes, season to taste and sprinkle Chinese celery on top
to serve.(pic 4)