蒜片烤三文鱼 Grilled Garlic Salmon

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1. 把三文鱼洗净抹干。
2. 将所有调味料混合,放入三文鱼块,腌20分钟。(图1)
3. 在烤盘里铺上姜片,将三文鱼摆上,然后把蒜片排在鱼肉上,再撒少许龙蒿草。(图2-5)
4. 放入预热至220°C的烤炉里,烤12分钟或至蒜片表面微焦即可。(图6)


1 piece salmon cut, 5 pips garlic (sliced), 4 slices ginger, some fresh tarragon
⅔ tsp salt, 40ml Korean rice wine, ½ tsp castor sugar, ¼ tsp pepper
1. Wash and pat dry salmon.
2. Mixes all seasoning and marinate the salmon for 20 minutes. (pic 1)
3. Place ginger slices on baking tray, top with salmon and arranges garlic slices all over the salmon; and then sprinkle some tarragon on top. (pic 2-5)
4. Pre-heat oven at 220°C, grill the salmon for 12 minutes or until garlic turns golden brown, done. (pic 6)