通心粉汤 Mac N soup

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1. 把鸡壳,猪骨,胡椒和糖放入清水中煮至滚。
2. 转小火焖煮11⁄2-2小时,然后过滤,以盐调味。(图1)
3. 加入马铃薯和红萝卜,煮至软后熄火。(图2-3)
4. 加入鸡肉,煮至熟。(图4)
5. 根据包装指示,把粗通心粉煮熟滴干。(图5)
6. 把通心粉加入汤中煮沸,盛在小碗里,撒上蒜头片,趁热


【Stock Ingredients】
1 whole chicken carcass(chopped into small pieces,
blanched and washed), 2-3 pieces pork bones (blanched
and washed), 10 g rock sugar, 1 tsp whole white peppercorns
(crushed), 3 liters water, salt to taste
200 g chicken meat(cubed), 2 potatoes(cubed), 1
carrot(cubed), 3 tbsps or more garlic crisps
【To prepare stock】
1. Add water, chicken carcass, pork bones, peppercorns
and sugar, bring to a boil.
2. Lower heat & simmer stock for 11⁄2-2 hours over low heat.
Sieve stock into a clean stockpot, add salt to taste.(pic 1)
3. Add potatoes & carrots and cook until tender, turn off
heat.(pic 2-3)
4. Add the chicken meat and cook until cooked.(pic4)
5. Cook macaroni according to packet instructions, dish up
and drain in a colander.(pic 5)
6. Add macaroni to the stock, bring to boil, ladle into serving
bowl, garnish with garlic crisps, serve immediately.