金华富贵炖元白 Braised Chinese Cabbage

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1. 将金华火腿切粒;腊肉切小块备用。(图1-2)
2. 烧热1汤匙油爆香虾米,放入腊肉、金华火腿及香菇炒香盛起备用。(图3-5)
3. 黄芽白洗净,放入滚水中煮软,捞出沥干水份放入砂锅中。倒入高汤,加入金针、炒料及调味料煮
4. 勾芡后,淋入绍兴酒及青葱粒便可上桌。

400g Chinese cabbage,2 pcs Chinese mushroom (soaked and diced), 30g dried tiger lily 9soaked and knotted), 30g
dried shrimp (soaked), 80g Jin Hua ham, 80g Chinese sausage, 600ml stock, 1 tbsp chopped spring onion
1 tbsp abalone sauce, 1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine (add last), some starch for thickening
1. Dice Jin Hua ham and chinese sausage. (pic 1-2)
2. Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok, sauté dried shrimp until fragrant, toss in ham, sausage and mushroom, fry well and dish out. (pic 3-5)
3. Blanch Chinese cabbage in water until soften, drain and shift to clay pot, pour in stock, add in tiger lily, stir-fried
ingredients and seasoning; once boiled, cover with lid and simmer in low heat for 1⁄2 hour until Chinese cabbage
cooked through. (pic 6-8)
4. Thicken with starch and drizzle in wine, sprinkle spring onion on top to serve.