陈年菜脯炖鸡汤 Stewed Preserved Radish Chicken Soup

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老菜脯150克、鸡肉1/2 只、红枣4个、大葱1个、蒜头4瓣
盐1/2 茶匙、花雕酒1汤匙
1. 把鸡肉洗净切块氽烫备用;菜脯洗净泡烧水10分钟去咸味。(图1-2)
2. 再将红枣和蒜洗净备用;大葱剥皮洗净切片备用。
3. 取砂锅或锅子把鸡肉,大葱,红枣,蒜头和菜脯倒入锅内。(图3)
4. 加入盖过材料两倍的清水或上汤盖好,以大火煮滚。(图4)
5. 把火炉转小火煮上40分钟, 加入调味料,撒上葱花享用。
150g aged preserved radish, 1/2 bird chicken, 4 red dates, 1 onion, 4 pips garlic
1/2tsp salt, 1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine
Some chopped spring onion
1. Cut chicken into pieces and then blanch in boiling water, wash preserved radish and then soak in hot
water for 10 minutes to reduce saltiness.(pic 1-2)
2. Wash red dates and garlic, peel onion and slices.
3. Place chicken and all other ingredients into clay pot.(pic 3)
4. Pour enough water to cover the ingredients, cover lid and bring to quick boil with high heat.(pic 4)
5. Turn to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes.Season to taste, sprinkle chopped spring onion to serve.