黄梨果酱 Mama Pineapple Jam

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1. 黄梨去皮及黑眼丁,切小块放入多功能破壁冷热料理机中,盖上,启
动电源,按“PULSE”功能键数下将黄梨磨 烂成果汁。(图1-2)
2. 转按“绵粥”功能键煮约10分钟。(图3)
3. 把燕菜粉与白糖混合后,加入果汁内。(图4)
4. 注入麦芽糖继续煮至指示灯显示“5”,加入柠檬汁和柠檬茸煮至指示灯熄灭为止。(图5)
5. 开盖,把煮好的果酱倒入干净的玻璃碗中,待凉后即可收入冰箱冷藏存放,吃时才取出。

1 pineapple (about 900g), 500g sugar, 160g maltose, 20g agaragar
powder, zest and juice from 1 large lemon
1. Peel the pineapple and eyes, cut small and place into mama
Blend Multi Purpose Blender, press “PULSE” button, process
the mixture become juice. (pic 1-2)
2. Turn to “CONGEE” button, cook for 10 minutes.(pic3)
3. Mix agar-agar powder with white sugar, add into pineapple juice.(pic 4)
4. Add in maltose and continue cook until the light show “5”, pour
in lemon juice and zest, continue cook until the light turn off.(pic 5)
5. Open the lid, pour the jam to a clean bowl, let it cool down and
store in the refrigerator before use.