辣味蟹肉意大利面Handmade Spaghetti with Spicy Crab Meat

  • Prep Time
    1 Hour
  • Cook Time
    40 Mins
  • Type
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Pasta Ingredients


Sauce Ingredients


    Step 1

    意大利面做法Method for pasta: 把面粉和盐混合,开井口,倒入汽水,揉合搓成面团。 大力搓面团至光滑为止。Mix flour with salt and carbonated water. Knead the dough energetically until it is perfectly smooth.

    Step 2

    在完成的面团上撒面粉,然后杆成5毫米厚的面皮,再杆成长形,然后切成2公分宽长条。把面条卷着搓成彩带形状。Sprinkle the dough with flour and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 5mm. Roll up the dough into a long cylinder. Cut into 2cm wide sections using a floured knife.

    Step 3

    然后把彩带放在掌心,拉成不规则的通心粉。Unroll each spiral of pasta onto your work surface to obtain ribbons. Roll each ribbon between the palms of your hands, stretching it to form uneven “spaghetti.”

    Step 4

    在通心粉上撒粉,把它们挂起,以避免粘在一起。收在凉的地方,用布盖着以免风干。Sprinkle them again with flour, lifting them up to keep them separated.Cover and rest pasta in a cool place.

    Step 5

    酱汁做法Method for sauce: 先将蟹放进沸水中烫熟取肉。Blanch the crab till cook to obtain meat.

    Step 6

    在一个深锅热橄榄油,把蒜茸和辣椒茸爆1-2分钟至香,加入青蟹肉,再炒1分钟。加入白酒和鸡高汤,煮至酒蒸发。Heat the olive oil in a large pan and add the garlic and chilli. Gently fry for about 1-2 minutes. Stir in the crabmeat and cook for another minute. Add the wine and chicken stock to the pan and cook until most of the alcohol has evaporated.

    Step 7

    另外把通心粉放入加盐滚水中煮熟,间中用叉搅拌以免粘在一块, 这时通心粉还未熟透,可下芥兰花一起烫熟。Quickly cook the spaghetti in boiling salted water, stirring once or twice with a fork to prevent it from sticking together. The pasta should be slightly soft but not yet al dente. Cook the broccoli in the same water.

    Step 8

    把通心粉捞起后,连同数汤匙煮面的水一起加入炒蟹的锅里,然后加入芥兰花,洋莞荽及九层塔,搅拌均匀,若太干可以再加一些煮面水。Drain the pasta, reserving a few tablespoons of the pasta water. Add to the pan with the crabmeat and stir in the broccoli, parsley and basil. Mix together to coat evenly, adding a splash of reserved pasta water if the mixture is too dry.

    Step 9

    以盐和现磨黑胡椒调味后盛出即可。Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper and serve.
