古早味椰丝公仔饼 Traditional Ccoconut doll mooncake

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【 饼皮做法 】
1. 糖浆、花生油和碱水倒入容器里先搅拌均匀,才
2. 用布或者保鲜膜盖着休面1-2个小时,或至不
3. 饼团分成25克1份,备用。

【馅料 做法 】
1. 用料A倒入锅里炒至干香,熄火分次加入用料B翻炒均匀至有些结块。
2. 待凉去掉班兰叶,分成15克1份,搓圆备用。
【 涂面 】搅拌均匀过滤备用蛋黄1粒、牛奶1大匙
【 椰丝公仔饼的做法 】
1. 取1份饼团搓圆,用刮板按扁,放上椰丝馅包裹均匀,搓圆直接放在撒粉的月饼模型里,压出纹路,轻敲出。
2. 将月饼放在涂油烤盘上,放入预热至180℃度,上下火烘烤12分钟。
3. 取出待凉10分钟后在表面抹上蛋黄液,然后继续烘烤15分钟或至熟透即可。
4. 烘烤出炉放在网架上搁置一夜,隔天即可包装或者装进密封的盒子里,待1-3天回油软化后即可享用。

【Skin Method 】
1.Combine the syrup , peanut oil, flour and alkaline water in a mixing bowl, add in low-gluten flour mix
well into a dough.
2. Let the dough rest for about 1-2 hours or until not sticky.
3. Divide the dough into 25g each portion, set aside.

【 Filling Method 】
1. In a wok, stir fry all filling A till fragrant, sequence add in B filling ingredients and fry together until caking.
2. Remove the pandan leave, divide the dough into 15g each and roll into balls. Set aside.
For the Egg Wash ( mix well and sieved) 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp milk
【 Method 】
1. Take 1 dough, flatten to form a small disc. Wrap the the coconut filling and shape into a ball, arrange on
the dusted mould, press knock out.
2. Arrange the mooncake on lined baking tray,bake into preheated oven at 180℃ with top and bottom
heat for 12 minutes.
3. Leave the mooncake to cool down for 10 minutes, lightly apply the egg wash onto the mooncake and
continue to bake for another 15 minutes or until
golden brown.
4. Leave the mooncake to cool down overnight. Store in air-tight container for 3 days to allow the mooncake
to become soft and shiny.





【 涂面 】搅拌均匀过滤备用

Skin ingredients

Shredded Cococnut Filling A

Shredded Cococnut Filling B

For the Egg Wash ( mix well and sieved)
