发财黄金面Auspicious Prosperity Noodles

  • Prep Time
    40 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Type
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Sauce ingredients




    Step 1

    煮滚600毫升清水,加入鸡精块和2汤匙油,把面烫少过1分钟即移到冷水里浸泡,然后滴干,让它风干20-30分钟才炸。To prepare crispy noodles:Bring 600ml water to boil with one chicken stock cube and 2 tablespoons oil. Put in noodles. Cook till noodles separate and become soft for less than 1 minute. Immerse noodles in cold water and drain immediately in a colander. Allow to cool and air-dry for about 20-30 minutes before frying.

    Step 2

    起锅热油,高温下面,每次少量,炸至酥脆金黄色,然后放在纸巾上吸油,排碟。Heat wok for a while then pour in oil. When the oil is hot put in the noodles a little at a time. Fry till crispy and golden brown. Remove with a wire ladle and place onto absorbent paper towels. Arrange noodles on a serving platter.

    Step 3

    用滚水川烫小白菜和红萝卜,然后浸泡冷水再滴干。Scald baby siu pak choy and carrot in hot water. Remove and rinse in cold water. Drain and put aside.

    Step 4

    另外热麻油,放入虾炒一会后加入酱汁材料,煮滚后加入左口鱼粉,再放入枇杷鲍贝,然后勾芡。加入蛋白,搅拌均匀后淋在炸面上,配小白菜和红萝卜吃。Heat a saucepan with a little sesame oil. Add prawns. Fry briefly then add in sauce ingredients. Bring to a quick boil. Sprinkle over with dried sole powder. Put in razor clams and thicken with potato starch mixture. Turn off the heat and stir in egg white. Pour gravy over noodles and serve immediately with siu pak choy and carrot.
